July 15, 2020
January 5, 2010
The Taiwanese Association of America Northern New Jersey Chapter (TAA-NNJ) is offering scholarships for ABT (American-born Taiwanese) or new immigrants of
1. What do you believe is the importance of building a Taiwanese American community?
2. How can leadership in the Taiwanese American community be improved?
3. What are the difficulties the Taiwanese American community face and how can they be addressed?
4. What can Taiwanese Americans do to promote
2. The essay should be written in English
3. Families of the scholarship committee members cannot apply for scholarship
Please send
Subject: 2010 TAA-NNJ Scholarship
February 7, 2009
February 3, 2009
TAA-NNJ 28th Annual Meeting Program
日期: 2/7/2009 (Saturday)
地点: Regency House Hotel/Best Western, Pompton Plains, NJ 舉行年會
Directions: http://www.regencyhousehotel.com/location.htm
12:00-12:30 p.m. Social hour/Dancing
Invocation – Rev. Ching-Fen Hsiao
US National Anthem & Taiwan Evergreen (臺灣翠青) – Jim Lee
President Report – Grace Hsu
Treasurer Report – Kathy Chen
12:50 p.m. Banquet
2:00-2:05 Hon. Scott
2:05-2:10 Ludi Hughes, Chairwoman,
2:10-2:15 Andrew Pappachen, President, AAHC
2:15-2:40 Gerrit van der Wees, FAPA, introduced by Dr. Mark Kao
2:40-2:50 王恵蘭 獨唱: (1) Her bright smile haunts me still.
(2) 請大家返來臺灣!
M.C. Jonathan Lee & Thomas Yu
Violin etc.
(1) 2/5/09 D.C. US Court of Appeals - Ruling on Judicial Justice for
4:40-5:00 Raffle 抽奨, Social Dancing, Group Dancing etc.
5:30 p.m. Good Bye! 恭賀新禧,事事如意!
TAA-NNJ 2008 Scholarship Recipients
The TAA-NNJ Scholarship Committee has carefully reviewed all applicants' essays and has decided to award 5 students. The recipients are Jonathan Chen, Jennifer Kao, Megan Kao, Allen Shih, and Frank Sung. Thank you all for writing excellent essays about Taiwan. We hope your passion for Taiwan will continue, and we wish you every success.
As a scholarship recipient, you are required to attend TAA-NNJ Annual Meeting on Saturday 2/7/09. We will be giving you a check of $200 during the meeting. Besides, you will be enjoying the banquet and entertainment at NO charges (a $38 value).
December 12, 2008
2008 TAA-NNJ Scholarship
Qualification: High School full time students (grades 9-12) currently study in
Essay: My study notes: About Taiwan
Anything you learned about
Word count: 1,000 ~ 1,500 words, may include pictures or charts
Deadline: 1/15/2009
Scholarships: Up to 5 awardees with equal share of a total of $1,000
Winners Announcement: By Email or/and telephone on 2/2/09. During the 2/7/09 TAA-NNJ Annual Meeting, awardees will be honored and checks will be given
Awardees: To receive the award, awardees must provide a photo copy of their student ID to TAA-NNJ
Mail to: Mail (1) completed application form, (2) a brief introduction of the applicant, and (3) an essay to taannj@gmail.com or
Scholarship Committee: Committee members will vote for the winners. However, the family of the committee members cannot apply for the scholarship
Posting on TAA-NNJ‘s Blog: Awardee names, school names, and their essays will be posted on TAANNJ blog site (taannj.blogspot.com)
Originality of Essay: Within a year if the essay is found that more than 1/3 of it was simply ‘copy and paste’ off Internet without noting where it came from, TAA-NNJ reserves the rights to revoke the award
Language: The essay should be written either in English or Mandarin (using traditional font please)
Please download the Application Form below:
December 7, 2008
TAANNJ 28th Annual Meeting
2/7/2009 Saturday 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM
The same Hotel as last year, $38 per person
Hotel directions: http://www.regencyhousehotel.com/location.htm
Hotel phone: (973) 696-0900
click on the picture for a large image (so you can read all the words)